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How to train your dog to look at the camera


Your dog is part of the family, and like other family members, you want to capture the wonderful time they spend together in the movie. But when it comes to four-legged friends, it can be a lot easier.


Focus a picture of your dog on the camera and smile, not moving in any direction or a blur of ambiguity because when did you start taking pictures when they started walking? Of course! And fortunately, training is not as difficult as it may seem.

Use the 5 techniques below and you will soon know everything. Continue reading to learn how to train your dog to look at the camera!

Make noise

All dogs respond differently, but one of the first things you can do to get your dog on camera is to just make noise. It could be some human, some imitating a dog, loud, low pace; just experiment.

Your dog's attention span is long enough to be photographed. You may even need it to make you feel a little weird (like barking or using a funny voice), but you may catch the tilt of this cute dog's head.

If you're using words, that's fine. Just remember to get their attention by saying things that they are attached to a favorite toy or need to pay for treatment. Otherwise, they will quickly learn to ignore them (and possibly other commands).

Dog toys

You can instantly make a picture of your dog's favorite toy (and if it applies, it makes a noise). Now think about the effects it has on your dog, or the pain it causes. Think your photography can help? Of course!

To use this method, hold one of your dog's favorite toys near the camera. If it does explode, you should definitely use it to get their attention while you are photographing them.

However, one thing to keep in mind is that it can excite your dog so it may not be your best option if you are looking for cool photos of them sitting. But with a big, sweet smile on his face, this is the way you need it!

Food treatment

Which dog doesn't like tasty treats? Just the sound of opening a box or a bag is enough to drive most of our khan dogs crazy. You can take advantage of this when it comes to getting the perfect picture of your dog.

Treat your dog, and if he is behaving well, you can hold him in your arms and smell him. Next, order them to sit down. Once they do, they should look at you and put a big smile on the picture!

But if your dog has not yet learned to sit down, this behavior can still help you build your image. Wait for your dog to calm down, then get ready to take a picture while treating yourself with the camera.

Your dog should be fascinated, and their focus will be on the camera, which can help you get a great picture.


If you are out for a walk or a park, it is inevitable that your dog's attention will be on the whole place. While this will make a lot of pictures difficult, it's still a chance for some amazing shots of your puppy.

Watch your dog curiously look at another dog in the park. Just join their line of sight. They will either switch their eyes directly to you (and the camera), or just look at you who should still make a great picture.

Combining this method with the previous technique should work well for many working environments, especially if your dog has difficulty concentrating in such areas.

Photography techniques

When your face is hidden by the camera, many dogs will be confused or distracted. As a result, they may approach you, or just put an impression on their face that will not be a good image.

All you need to do here is focus on the camera. Then, keeping it on the side, quickly position the camera and when your dog takes the picture. Start snatching pictures of it when it looks ready.

It will probably take some practice to get it right, and as mentioned earlier many of the techniques may be applied to something extra, such as making noise or squeezing your dog's toy.

Now that you know the process, it's time to make some memories with your amazing dog! Make sure you have a reminder before you take the perfect picture of your pull-up next time!



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